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The Most Competitive NJ Rental Markets Right Now

The Most Competitive NJ Rental Markets Right Now
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by Traded MediaShare

RentCafe's March Rental Activity Report highlights the high demand for rentals in Newark and Jersey City, making them sought-after locations in the Northeast region.

Newark's Ranking
Newark secured the third position overall, with a total score of 63. Despite an 18% decrease in apartment availability compared to 2023, Newark still ranked ninth for availability. The city experienced a significant increase of 98% in page views, ranking 60th among the largest U.S. cities. However, Newark ranked lower in terms of favorites (133rd) and saved searches (146th).

Jersey City's Ranking
Jersey City secured the 10th spot overall, with a total score of 49. It ranked 79th for availability, showing a 7% increase compared to 2023. In terms of page views, favorites, and saved searches, Jersey City ranked 127th, 59th, and 120th, respectively.

Other Hot Rental Cities in the Northeast
Apart from Newark and Jersey City, other sought-after rental cities in the Northeast include Queens, New York (No. 1 nationally), Philadelphia (No. 2), Buffalo, New York (No. 4), Providence, Rhode Island (No. 5), Manhattan, New York (No. 6), Boston (No. 7), Pittsburgh (No. 8), and Rochester, New York (No. 9).

Top Rental Cities Nationwide
The top five hottest rental cities in March across the U.S. were Minneapolis, Minnesota (No. 1), Overland Park, Kansas (No. 2), Atlanta (No. 3), Queens, New York (No. 4), and Little Rock, Arkansas (No. 5).

Newark and Jersey City's rankings reflect the competitive rental market in North Jersey, with high demand despite varying availability metrics. These cities' positions among the top rental locations in the Northeast underscore their appeal to renters in the region.

Published: May 3, 2024

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