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New Proposed Road to Link US 1 Could Alleviate Traffic Congestion in South Florida

New Proposed Road to Link US 1 Could Alleviate Traffic Congestion in South Florida
Traded Media
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In South Florida, and across most of the US, traffic congestion can be a significant challenge for drivers, particularly those heading to Fort Lauderdale Beach.

A Drive with Allison Ricker

CBS News Miami accompanied Allison Ricker on her typical route to the beach along US 1, specifically toward 17th Street. Allison describes the usual congestion and frustrations of navigating through bumper-to-bumper traffic, especially when trying to turn onto 17th Street.

Frustration Amidst the Zen of the Beach

The anticipation of a relaxing time at the beach often gives way to frustration due to the lengthy commute. Allison expresses her frustration, highlighting the stark contrast between the desire for leisure and the reality of spending excessive time stuck in traffic.

Proposed Solution: A New Bypass Road

Plans for a new bypass road offer hope for relief. The proposed road would link US 1 at State Road 84 to 17th Street, providing a direct route to Fort Lauderdale Beach.

Features of the Bypass Road

The bypass road would traverse through Port Everglades before turning north along Eisenhower Blvd, ultimately terminating just before the 17th Street Causeway and Convention Center. Advocates tout its efficiency, emphasizing the absence of traffic lights and stop signs, which promise uninterrupted travel.

Reviving Nostalgia and Efficiency

Broward County Commissioner Lamar Fisher envisions the bypass road as a return to the unhindered beach access of the past, prior to heightened security measures post-9/11. The goal is to establish a seamless flow of traffic to the convention center hotel, reminiscent of simpler times.

Design and Functionality

The bypass road will be a one-mile stretch, devoid of exits or access points to the port, ensuring a clear path from one end to the other. The road will be enclosed by fences, acknowledging the secure nature of the port area.

Community Support for the Initiative

Allison Ricker expresses her support for the bypass road, hopeful that it will significantly reduce her commute time and alleviate traffic congestion.

Timeline for Construction

Construction of the bypass road is set to commence on May 1st, with completion anticipated by the end of the following year.

Published: May 1, 2024

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